Inpatient Rehab in South Padre Island

Suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol is a much more common affliction than it should be in the United States. More than 22 million people are dealing with these addictions every year and the numbers do not seem to be decreasing significantly. On top of that, many of the people that have addictions do not know all of the benefits that they can get from a drug and alcohol rehab center in general or an inpatient rehab treatment center specifically. Inpatient rehab in South Padre Island is one of the best possible options available to you if you are suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol and wish to overcome that condition. Get to know more about what you can get from an inpatient rehab treatment center in general as well as inpatient rehab in South Padre Island and you can be sure you are getting the best possible treatment for your drug or alcohol addiction.

Before you find yourself an inpatient rehab in South Padre Island, it is important to understand what inpatient rehab entails. Inpatient rehab is an addiction treatment program that involves a person staying in an inpatient rehab treatment center for the entirety of their structured addiction treatment program. A person will essentially move into the addiction treatment center so that they are entirely focused on their recovery and treatment and they will stay in the center 24/7 until the program is complete.

How Long Does Inpatient Rehab Usually Last?

When a person chooses to go through inpatient rehab in a drug and alcohol rehab center, the time commitment can vary. A typical program will last between three and six weeks. However, when a person has a more severe addiction, they may want to choose a program with more extensive treatment offerings and continued support. This can mean a stay in a drug rehab center that lasts anywhere from six to twelve months. The exact duration of your stay in drug rehab in South Padre Island will depend on a variety of factors and will come down to the type of program you wish to be a part of.

What Are the Benefits?

There are a great many benefits to choosing to recover from your drug or alcohol addiction in an inpatient rehab treatment center. One of the primary benefits is the structured nature of the treatment program. In inpatient rehab programs, there is no room for temptation because the person will have no access to the drug they are addicted to. There will also be no room for distraction as the recovering addict will be in the treatment center fulltime, away from family, friends, work, and other potential distractions.

In addition to the structural benefits of choosing a drug and alcohol rehab center, there are also many treatment and therapy benefits. The therapies are quite involved, including both individual and group therapy sessions. This means that the recovering addict will be able to work with the same therapists and fellow addicts several times a day every day to improve their recovery and to build trusting relationships in the process.

There are also treatment programs in South Padre Island like 12-steps counseling and moral reconation therapy (MRT) that are designed to give a person a step-by-step guided path to addiction recovery and treatment. In the 12-steps a person works through admitting that they have an addiction, making amends, and building a sober life. On the other hand, MRT is a way of developing a sense of moral reasoning that starts with building a positive self-image and sense of self and expands into a larger understanding of a person's place in the greater scheme of moral life. These are two of the treatment programs that you can find in inpatient rehab in South Padre Island. Therapies can be even more widespread and varied including art therapy, pet therapy, equine therapy, family therapy, yoga, and more.

Why Should I Enter an Inpatient Rehab?

Despite these many benefits and the many reasons a person should enter an inpatient rehab in South Padre Island, some people are still hesitant to make the choice of inpatient rehab. This is often due to the fact that people are nervous or uncomfortable with leaving their regular life, activities, and of course, their comfort zone behind. However, doing so is precisely the reason that inpatient rehab programs are so effective. By breaking away from the day-to-day, a person is able to get a much more objective sense of their addiction and their own behaviors, thoughts, and feelings which aids in their recovery. Call now for help (877) 804-1531.

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