Sober Living in South Padre Island, TX

When most people think about drug and alcohol addiction, they do not think of the concept of addiction in accurate terms. An addiction is a disease. Diseases are medically diagnosable and require a medical treatment program to be dealt with properly. There are many different ways to treat an addiction but one of the best options available to people, whether they have been through inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, or no treatment at all, is a sober living community. Get to know some of the many benefits of sober living in South Padre Island as well as how a sober living community can be an integral part of your drug and alcohol addiction recovery process.

The main question you likely have about the idea of sober living is what exactly this option is and entails. Sober living is an option that serves as a safe space for people recovering from drug or alcohol addictions to live in for a time. People may opt to live in a sober living community instead of going through a more traditional treatment. They may also go into sober living in South Padre Island after going through inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, or just detoxification (detox).

Sober living homes are group homes for people that are recovering from addictions. They provide a structured living environment for addicts that are not able to or ready to go home and resume their regular lives. While they are not full treatment centers, there are rules and programs that need to be followed when living in a sober living house.

One of the main programs used in sober living homes is known as SMART recovery. SMART stands for Self Management and Recovery Training, and is a more self-directed form of addiction treatment in South Padre Island and recovery. This is a step-by-step addiction recovery process and involves six stages of recovery. The idea is to use motivational, behavioral, and cognitive therapy techniques to build a positive sense of self, identify negative behaviors or thought patterns and replace them with healthier coping mechanisms, and eventually resume regular, normal life.

The idea in SMART recovery is for the recovering addict to enact changes, maintain them for a period of time, and then graduate from the recovery process. This is also the primary goal of any sober living house as well, to help a person enact change in their life for the better (i.e. to make changes that help to maintain sobriety) and then maintain those changes before the person returns home and resumes their regular life.

How Long Would I Have to Stay in a Sober Living House?

The amount of time a person spends in sober living in South Padre Island depends on a variety of factors, including their comfort levels, the amount of work they need to do to maintain sobriety, their progress, and the specific sober living house programs. However, the general minimum stay in a sober living home is 90 days (three months).

Residing in a Sober Living House -- What Would I Expect?

In a sober living home, you will find yourself in a supportive recovery environment with other people trying to achieve the same goals. You can expect to become close with the other people living in the house because you will be spending a great deal of time together in close living quarters. There will be group sessions in which you share your stories and experiences. You can also expect to share chores with your housemates in the sober living community.

Living in a sober living home, you can expect to build a support system for yourself with the counselors, staff, and of course the other residents of the sober living house. Because of this, even when you leave sober living in South Padre Island, you could leave with bonds and relationships that will last a lifetime and a community of support that you can rely on later for sober living in South Padre Island.

Are There Rules in a Sober Living House?

Because sober living is designed to be a structured environment for addiction recovery, there will be rules to living in the community. If you violate certain rules like failing a sobriety test or your supervisors and counselors find drugs on you, you will not be allowed to continue in the sober living recovery program and will need to find an alternative treatment option. However, there are other rules to living in a sober living facility as well. You will do the chores that are assigned to you around the house to maintain your living environment. Certain therapy sessions and meetings will be mandatory. And, of course, there will be curfews and rules of where you can go when you leave the sober living house during the day.

With this information in mind, you can better see how entering sober living in South Padre Island could benefit you in your pursuit of addiction recovery. Call now for help (877) 804-1531.

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